90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 829Message:
Margery, if you go to 90th bomb group .org You will get the Jollyroger web site . Go to combat crews and click on the square for Ryan and you will get a picture of Ryans crew
Hi, My Dad said he had a book much like a yearbook or crew publication he lost when his footlocker went missing. Does anyone know what I should be looking for??????? He was with the 319th 90th BG in...
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My dad was Dean Lucas and he was a mechanic for the Asterperious. He has recently passed away but in his belongings I have found the book i believe you are talking about. I could have it copied at...
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My dad passed away a month ago. He was also a mechanic in the 319. i'm very interested in a copy of book. I trying to write his life story. My Dad's name is Roy Morrison Wales. he went by morris at...
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My Dad (Paul James Hillegass from South Fork Pennsylvania) (deceased) was a nose gunner on a plane in the 319th and the Asteperious has been mentioned. If any material becomes available on the net I...
I have two copies. This is a slim hardbound book with photos of many combat crews and support unitss, unit history and base camp scenes. There are two crews posed in front of the Asterperious Special ...
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My grandfather was a mechanic on the asterperious. Do you have copies of the photos? My father and uncle would love to see these. My grandfathers name was Raymond Crawford.
My grandfather was a mechanic on the asterperious. Do you have copies of the photos? My father and uncle would love to see these. My grandfathers name was Raymond Crawford.
Hi Bill, I would like to know what you are asking for the books. Thanks Margery
Margeery; I have searched maybe 20 online collectible/military book sites and cannot find this one for a hint on price. I will say $100. Let me describe it in more detail so you can be sure it is the ...
My Uncle George Sparks was in the squadron. He was the Bombadier on Yankee Doodle Dandy which was shot down in April of 1944. I would be interested in purchasing the book if you have one available.
Hi George, My name is Harold Lincoln and my father was one of the first crew members of the Yankee Doodle Dandy. My father was S/SGT Harold J. Lincoln and was a waist gunner. My dad told me that he...
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I am sorry but the original response led to a living crewmate of my father who lost his copy. I am giving the book to him. Hope you understand. I have a fine digital camera and can take hand held...
Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.. My Dad: Harold E. Ross should be in that book. I wanted to buy this book for sometime. 1st are you selling the books and how much. My Dad and I just are together...
- Picture of Ryans crew John Faulkner, Sat Aug 25 21:39
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January 2001 - October 2019
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