90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 1095Message:
Is the yearbook still available? I am very interested to buy.
Hello.......... Is anyone still looking for the Asterperious Yearbook about the 319th? We have one in excellent condition. Very interesting even for someone unrelated to the 319th. Includes tons of...
more - Asterperious Yearbook 319th Anonymous, Sun Feb 23 19:18
Hello Yes I would be very interested to have the opportunity to buy this book! I'm collecting information around pilot Manville M. HEISEL, already have a lot but not this yearbook. Thank you to...
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Hello........... Very nice to hear from an interested party in this unique little book, so packed with personal history. Frankly, not sure how to put a value on this since it is so specific. We feel...
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Hi again Your price will be mine, yes, 24 usd is fine, without shipping ! Thank you for your prompt answer, you can see my personal email, for further details for the shipping; this pilot was from...
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Hello......... It is midnight here. Steve and I are fairly new to internet sales, but we do have a website on Etsy. Tomorrow I will figure out how to make this available to you with a reserved...
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Hello Gail,Steve I discussed with my friend Sharon, she would be more than happy to get the book for me! She would pay it for me as well! Much better solution, isn't it?!! She invited me to forward...
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Hello....... Ever since you contacted me, I have been thinking about how wonderful it is that we stumbled upon a book with so much meaning to you. That is exactly why I tried to search out what this...
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Dear Gail Thank you so much for your nice words and the gift you both decided to offer to me; I'm really touched by your kind attention and the words you used to express it; it is amazing how, since...
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Hello Phillippe and Lovely Wife....... What an amazing turn of events over such a stretched period of time.... Someday I will learn the story of how Sharon's husband's jacket stayed in Belgium. It...
Dear Gail, Steve Of course, price would be without transport in these conditions, no worry! I've contacted my dear friend Sharon (pilot's'widow), she may answer my mail when she'll wake-up! Best...
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