90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 965Message:
My Dad (Paul James Hillegass from South Fork Pennsylvania) (deceased) was a nose gunner on a plane in the 319th and the Asteperious has been mentioned. If any material becomes available on the net I like to be put on the notification list. Thanks and gratitude to all those great guys.
My dad was Dean Lucas and he was a mechanic for the Asterperious. He has recently passed away but in his belongings I have found the book i believe you are talking about. I could have it copied at...
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My dad passed away a month ago. He was also a mechanic in the 319. i'm very interested in a copy of book. I trying to write his life story. My Dad's name is Roy Morrison Wales. he went by morris at...
- Scanned Book John Hillegass, Sun Jun 6 10:40
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January 2001 - October 2019
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