90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 1066Message:
Dear Gail
Thank you so much for your nice words and the gift you both decided to offer to me; I'm really touched by your kind attention and the words you used to express it; it is amazing how, since I discovered and acquired this jacket in Belgium, it brings me to meet with fantastic people and intense moment of human relation !first of all Sharon of course and the strong relationship we have been able to build and you're now part of this list! Thank you for sharing with me your brillant human qualities!When I was translating your mail to my wife, I had to stop before the end..she was crying.. Thank you again so much!
With my best regards from France, Philippe
Hello....... Ever since you contacted me, I have been thinking about how wonderful it is that we stumbled upon a book with so much meaning to you. That is exactly why I tried to search out what this...
more - Asterperious philippe, Tue Mar 26 16:27
Hello Phillippe and Lovely Wife....... What an amazing turn of events over such a stretched period of time.... Someday I will learn the story of how Sharon's husband's jacket stayed in Belgium. It...
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January 2001 - October 2019
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