Search found 6 matches
- 13 Sep 2022 1539
- Forum: Share your memories
- Topic: Townsville Air Depot, History in Review (Video Link)
- Replies: 1
- Views: 42058
Re: Townsville Air Depot, History in Review (Video Link)
- 13 Sep 2022 1531
- Forum: Share your memories
- Topic: 2019 - 90th Reunion in Dearborn
- Replies: 4
- Views: 83622
Re: 2019 - 90th Reunion in Dearborn
WHAT MARVELOUS PICTURES AND A MARVELOUS TIME. I understand the reunion will be in San Marcos, TX this year. I forgot the date--but it is not too far up the road from us. Maybe an hour and a half?? But we can't come--I caught COVID in August and on top of being sick with it for 3 weeks, I have my hor...
- 09 Dec 2020 1541
- Forum: Share your memories
- Topic: FLIGHT CREW of Lt.John D. Ewing Pilot
- Replies: 0
- Views: 79155
FLIGHT CREW of Lt.John D. Ewing Pilot
This is the Flight Crew of my father Captain John D. Ewing of the 90th Bomb Group 320th Squadron. He was stationed in Iron Range for the majority of his time that he served.
- 17 Aug 2020 0815
- Forum: Seeking information...
- Topic: B-24 bomb bay door question
- Replies: 6
- Views: 38116
Re: B-24 bomb bay door question
How very interesting!!! I never had even thought about someone walking and falling through the bomb bay doors!! Great question that was posed, (how did they fold up and down) and being cautious about walking over them on the catwalk.
- 26 May 2020 2148
- Forum: News and Events
- Topic: New Member Introductions
- Replies: 9
- Views: 138869
Re: New Member Introductions
I am Susan EWING Wolfe daughter of what was then Lt. John D. Ewing, of the 320th, 90th Bomb Group. I am new to this web page and am working my way around it. However I am NOT new to the "Jolly Rogers" 90th Bomb Group Association. My husband Buddy and I have been long time members of it, an...
- 26 May 2020 2114
- Forum: Seeking information...
- Topic: John D. Ewing Pilot B-24 Iron Range
- Replies: 0
- Views: 59008
John D. Ewing Pilot B-24 Iron Range
I know this is so far past WWII that most folks will not have known him. We have several letters from people that did remember him during his 2 years at Iron Range Australia. I would so dearly like to know if anyone has any old information they could possible add to my Father's information. We have ...