Today is Tuesday, 22 Oct 24 1038 hours UTC

About the Jolly Rogers 90th BG Web Site

My name is Gary Gray. My father, SSGT. Wilson R. Gray, served with the 90th BG from 1942 until early 1945. As a matter of fact, he shipped home the same day the 90th left Biak Island.

Throughout my youth, I was fascinated with all of the photos, books and memorabilia that dad had brought home from the war. Often I would ask him to take down the kangaroo skin photo album he has and show the photograghs to me again. It was a mysterious and dangerous world he served in during those years.

As I got older, I learned more about the 90th BG through several internet sources and, having a working knowledge of HTML, I decided to start a website about the 90th BG.

I was immediately overwhelmed with contributions for the site. So much in fact, I had a very difficult time keeping track of all of it.

The pages presented here are the culmination, albiet a work in progress, of my interest, as well as that of those who have added so much.

This is the second version of my efforts. The first site, hosted initiallyt at (later, was taken down by NBCI without my being notified. Rather rude I thought. Fortunately, I had all of the original files saved on my home PC. This latest version features many changes suggested by past viewers of the original site. I have strived to make the navigation, user interface, and overall look more friendly and pleasing. To those of you that have lent a helping hand and those of you that offered suggestions, I thank you.

For the sacrifices of those that did not return, the memory of those that survived and have departed us as well as the benefit of those that are still with us, these pages are humbly dedicated.

I sincerely hope you enjoy your visit.



Our sincere thanks to the following people without who's contributions, this site would be a pretty boring place!

Bob Tupa

Larry Oliveria

Mike Roselle

Daniel Stockton

Michael Claringbould

Jim and Beverly

Wiley O. Woods

Ray Spencer

David Skinner

Edmund Terry Fiene

Bob Livingstone

Bonnie and Jason Dillworth

Ray Smeltzer

Colonel Craig Rainey

In addition, I would also like to thank the following people for their photo and informational contributions:

Mike Siembab, Denis Samin, Tom Reed, James Leddy, John T. Ward, Kenneth Rueben, Scott Van Alstine, Susan Wolfe, Linda Todd, Thomas Zook, Glenn Rodel-"The Roedel Collection", Kelly Ryun, David Aro, Sgt. Paul C. Aro (Photos from his collection), Thomas B Hayter USAF (Ret), Warren Wasson, John H. Faulkner, Joe Pfaendtner, Drew Monthie,Joseph P. Steinbacher, John Daly, George Fach, A. S. MacKenzie, Col., USAF(ret), Miles Levy, Sam Ashworth, Bill Fox, Judy Herdman, Terence Geary, Jim Horner, Irwin Rubien, Kenneth Sheats, Ian Quinn, Dennis Soltis, Ken Laughrun.

And of course:


My Father, S/SGT Wilson R. GRAY, 90th BG, 400th BS

The B-24 appearing in the above photo was the B-24J, "HO HUM", (Serial#42-109983). She was lost on 8 April, 1945 after exploding in mid-air due to a flak hit.

Me and my dad.

Also, a very special "Thank You" to Debbie Kelly for the help in the new site design and her expertise in web graphics.

Every attempt has been made to procure permission to use photographs, information and images when the sources were known. If copyrighted material appears here, please let us know so permission may be obtained and credit given, Gary

Also, if you have contributed something to this site and I have missed giving you credit for it, please accept my apologies and let me know so I may add your name to this list.

11/30/01Initial release.
01/01/02Multiple Updates
05/09/13Added Houston Crew photo and photo of Ssgt. Verrocchio
02/12/17Added video.htm and 4 videos. Added history link.
02/26/17Added STORIES section
10/31/19Message Board host discontinues service
11/01/19New Message Board Launched



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