Attack on Takao

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Joined: 18 May 2020 0819

Attack on Takao

Post by johnduresky » 18 May 2020 0845

Good morning,

Can anyone tell me about the attached photo? I know the code on the left stands for 400 BS 90 BG on the photo = 400th Bomb Squadron of the 90th Bomb Group and it was taken at 12,000 feet. However, what does all the code in between those things stand for in the bottom of the photo? Also, do you know where other photos from this mission might be found?

Also, I just came across this article which I assume you have seen, but am giving it here in case it was missed ... 80525.html

Thank you, and I salute all the men who served and their families.

Best regards,
John Duresky
Takao bombing photo
Takao bombing photo

Bob Tupa
Posts: 75
Joined: 14 Nov 2019 2103

Re: Attack on Takao

Post by Bob Tupa » 18 May 2020 2149

030 in the lower right corner is the plane the photo was taken from, in this case 44-41030, nose art BONNIE on the pilot's side (left) and
After Hours on the rightside.

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