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Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 10 Mar 2020 0910
by ComBloc
Looking for info on my great-grandfather, Pvt. Alan Hamilton, a mechanic in the 400th bomb squadron. He enlisted December 26, 1941, and was with the squadron until it was disbanded in 1944 (?). I have found him in two photographs on this site, most notably pelande0 (He is the second from the left, closest to the camera, with his hands in his pockets.), and in pelande1, where he is furthest on the right of the group. He was with the squadron while deployed in Australia, Papua New Guinea, etc. He also told of a time where the airstrip he was working off of was bombed b Japanese kamikazes, but he never talked any further beyond those broad details. This is all I know about his time in the service. Any info, documents, photographs, anything that you know has mention of him, or is related to him, or has the possibility of him being in there, is greatly appreciated. Feel free to contact my email address, which I will list here as well as it should be on my profile, or just message me on this site. Thanks in advance! God Bless!

Email Address:

Re: Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 18 May 2020 2129
by Bob Tupa
Your great grandfather was a mechanic in the 90th Bomb Group assigned to the 400th Squadron. It appears he joined them in 1943 and stayed with them til the end of the war. I saw that he was promoted to Staff Sergeant in March of 45 and sent to the hospital in April of 45. His serial number was 11040714

Re: Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 05 Jun 2020 1447
by ComBloc
Bob Tupa wrote: 18 May 2020 2129 Your great grandfather was a mechanic in the 90th Bomb Group assigned to the 400th Squadron. It appears he joined them in 1943 and stayed with them til the end of the war. I saw that he was promoted to Staff Sergeant in March of 45 and sent to the hospital in April of 45. His serial number was 11040714
Wow! Sorry I didn't respond to this quicker. Been extremely busy. Never knew he was sent to the hospital at all! Where did you get this information? Where can I get a copy of the documentation of whatever you used? This is extremely exciting for me! Thank you so much!

Re: Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 07 Jun 2020 1428
by Bob Tupa
The April 45 records are too big so I pulled the page and changed it to jpg because this site does on recognize pdf attachments. If this works I will pull the other one.

Re: Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 07 Jun 2020 1451
by Bob Tupa
This is his promotion to staff sgt.

Re: Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 10 Jun 2020 1417
by ComBloc
Wow! Bob, thank you so much! Where did you happen to find these pages online? Do you have a link to the webpages you found these scans in? I would much appreciate that, if possible. I wonder what he was sent to hospital for. As far as we know he was never wounded, maybe sickness? This is so very interesting! Thanks again!

Re: Pvt. Alan Hamilton, Mechanic, 400th bomb squadron

Posted: 10 Jun 2020 1612
by Bob Tupa
These are records that I had on my computer that I received regarding the 90th years ago. Look on line for how to obtain veterans wartime medical records. They are kept separate from the records in St Louis. Over ten years ago I was able to get my grandfather's records for his hospitalization in New Guinea and they were very detailed.