90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 607Message:
John there were two 90th planes lost on the 12th of October, 42-40594 and 42-72789. John Alcorn in his book incorrectly lists 42-40389 (Mission Belle) as having been lost on the 18th of October with the Smeltzer crew. The correct serial for this plane is 41-24043 and the crew was recovered and the subject of a piece in Life magazine. One of the crew members told me that when they were rescued they were sent home because they were the only crew recovered in tact.
Bob Tupa
Would someone give me the names of the crew members aboard B-24, serial number 42-40389 that was lost on 10/12/43 over Rabaul, New Britain. The plane belong to the 400th Bomb Squadron, 90th Bomb...
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the names of the crew members lost 10/12/43 McNeff Crew 400th BS on plane 42-72789 Pregnant Polecat MACR 997 Flight Officer Donald McNeff Lester Danks, co pilot Lucian Gray, Navigator William Murray, ...
- Mission Belle Bob Tupa, Sat Feb 25 08:34
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January 2001 - October 2019
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