90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 250Message:
The color was red. My father Joseph Broschart stated he flew in the MOBY DICK once in 1943 when the EAGER BEAVER was down for repairs. The squadron color was red but not a bright red.
I'm looking to find the right colors for a 90th BG 320th BS B-24D. In particular Moby Dick 124047 circa 1942-43. I'm a little confused about the color of the background for the skull and cross-bombs...
more - Moby Dick colors skull/crossbones joyce falba, Sun Jan 18 10:22
I was in the 320th Sqdn. from Aug. 1943 to Aug. 1944 and flew 44 missions to Weewak, Rabaul,Biak and other targets. The background for the skull and cross bombs for the 320th sqdn Was red it was...
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January 2001 - October 2019
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