90th Bomb Group Message Board
Message No. 192Message:
Individual RAAF members did serve with the 319th Squadron as Crewmembers.as Gunners. However I understand that the 380th BG who relieved us did have RAAF Crews for traaining. I recommend you contact their website for information.
Several of the RAAF were either killied or wounded while flying with us, Feb to July 1943.. The 380th had 2 squadrons at Fenton and 2 at Dunbaloo
Ray W. Smeltzer
I am trying to ascertain if any RAAF aircrews served with the 90th BG. I am trying to track down where Harold Whiteoak, a navigator with the RAAF served. I know that he was serving with a US...
more - Re: RAAF aircrew in the 90th BG Anonymous, Sat Jun 14 06:56
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January 2001 - October 2019
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